What's goin' on in Asperger Island?

The enigmatic and notorious Miis of my beautiful Tomodachi Life island go though a lot. I decided that I want to give you semi-daily updates (really, the updates will be posted whenever) about whatever they're doing.

Current relationships:
- Gin Ibushi and Hatsune Miku are dating
- My friend Kenley and Kagamine Len are dating
- Megurine Luka and Tsukasa Tenma are crushing on each other
- Kenshi Yonezu selling sandwiches.
- Kagamine Rin is hanging out with Asuka Langley?
- Gendo Ikari wanted a new hat, so I bought him a bright green glam-rock wig because it looks stupid. He really liked it. He looks so laughable.
- My lookalike wants casual clothes. I gave her the leather outfit and she loves it. I'm cackling because with her pink glam-rock wig on, she looks straight out of a really...interesting nonexistent visual kei band. Can my Miis stop giving me medicine and just give me more hair-color spray?
- Won against Tsukasa Tenma in the stupid catch minigame. Can't get over everyone calling me "Nerd Loser's look-alike."
No new clothing, food, or hats :( Guess it's because the emulator kept having the wrong time, so I had to fix the time a bunch.
- I put Gendo Ikari in a maid dress and he loved it.
- Rap battle time! Asuka Langley against Hatsune Miku? Asuka won because Miku was late for her dentist appointment.
- Shinji Ikari and Megurine Luka aren't as good as friends anymore :(
- Tsukasa and Luka were hanging out! So romantic!
- Also, Gendo Ikari's new catchphrase is "GET IN THE ROBOT!"
- Kenshi Yonezu and Karen want to be friends????? What? Why would HE want to be friends with Manager-Getter 3000?
- Rei Ayanami does not like avocados.
- Kagamine Rin did an impression of my friend Kenley. I forgot I made Kenley's catchprhase "I love hawt yaoi!" WWWWWW
New hats: multicolored cap, headband, and nightcap. New foods: yerba mate, avocados, and orange juice. New clothes: farmer outfit, camoflauge jacket, girl's college sweater, striped tunic, and tuxedo!
- Gin Ibushi and Kagamine Rin are becoming good friends?? That's...cute!
- Gin and Miku were hanging out SO CUTE AND ROMANTIC!!! (If only the age gap wasn't messed up.) Also, I forgot for a moment I set Gin's catchphrase to "Meow, woof" WW
- Gin Ibushi asked me for new clothes, so I gave him a farmer's outfit and he liked it...not good enough for me though! He looks so cute in it!!
- Kaworu, Kenshi Yonezu, and Karen were hanging out together for a moment. Cute. But not cute because Karen. Also, I die inside every time Karen says her catchphrase, "GET THE MANAGER!!"
- My Miis need to stop asking for new clothes.
- I gave Karen a Wii U because the Wii U is goofy and weird and I don't like Karens. Shortly after, me, Kaworu, and Hatsune Miku were over at Karen's playing her Wii U. BAHAH
- Joe Biden, what the hell is napoleon cake? We don't have that!! Stop asking for things we don't have on this island!!
- Won against Gendo in the Mii Facts game. I hate and love the minigames they make you play. I also just realized I have only ever fed Gendo sandwiches.
- Rei Ayanami wants to be friends with Kenley. Finally, Rei wants to know people!!
New hats: children's hat and woven straw hat. New foods: bubble tea, espresso, and fish cakes. All my clothes were new, but the most interesting one was a swimsuit???
- Why are potato chips classified as desserts?
- Forgot Kagamine Len's catchphrase was "I have a big O.T.N." BAHAHAHAHH. Anyway, he wants to be friends with Gin Ibushi! Umm...cute..!
- Kenley asked "What should I say when I'm mad?" I made her say "Time for Character AI!!" (I really typed it like "Time 4 c.ai" because don't we just love character limits) also, SHEESH, her level is at level 10 already?!??!
- Rei Ayanami's catchphrase is now "Life has no meaning," typed out as "Lyf hasno meanin."
- No, Joe Biden. I do not want to play with you. I want to be elected as first female 12-year-old president.
- Tsukasa and Luka hanging out together.. SO CUTEE! I hope one of them tries confessing soon!!!
- I giggled at the funny face Tsukasa made for me. THEYRE ACTUALLY SO HILARIOUS
- Ooh, Kaworu has a friendship problem!! Wait, he wants to be friends with LEN? I told him he should do it!
New hats: conical hat, curly-locks wig, and trilby hat. The trilby hat looks like a fedora. New foods: porridge, oatmeal, Danish pastry, and potato chips. New clothes: hippie clothes, salopettes, bow blouse and fleece jacket.
2/20/2024 (Sorry for almost no updates for a week!):
- I got a mini top hat :D
- I love how the description for the tweed dress is "You feel the need. The need for tweed." WWW
- Kaworu sleeping on the beach. Rei and Tsukasa talking together.
- Damn, Kaworu wants spicy food? I fed him a habanero. He loved it, but it didn't get on his favorite foods list?? Also, Kaworu didn't like my horror interior :( Literally sobbbing...
- Hatsune Miku likes bubble tea!
- I just realized that both Gin's sweetheart and best friend are Vocaloids. Also, he asked about him and Miku~~~ I said they're a great match!
- I love the weird food requests they say. Shinji wants American food??
New hats: star beret, heart beret, and mini top-hat. New foods: chicken pot pie, milkshake, and protien shake.. New clothes: tweed jacket and sous-chef outfit.
2/29/2024 (oh my gawd i played tomodachi life??):
- ME? Taking a bath? No way! Why do they show your naked Miis taking a bath???
- Um, what happened to you, Luka? You had a fight with Karen. Of all people, KAREN. YOU AREN'T IN THE MOOD FOR ANYTHING. But chicken pot pies solve everything, so now you're making up with Karen. WAIT, KAREN'S NOT OVER IT?? THAT HASN'T HAPPENED! Now Luka is depressed :( This is where traveling comes in handy! That German vacation solved it all!
- I solved 200 islander problems!
- O mah gah. Asuka and Rei hanging out. That's crazy. Also, Rei likes barbecue! She gave me an AR camera?
- Whaddya want, Gendo? Oh, what should you say when you're mad? Well, I couldn't type "Mandkind's greatest fear is Mankind itself," so I guess it'll be "I h8 mankind :(" teehee
- Kenley! What do YOU want? You want to be friends with Kaworu? Oh. Well, I think you'll be a great match :)
- Asuka wants a cool hat. I really hope beanies are cool. Woah, you loved it!
New hats: newsboy cap, regal crown (it's $1K???), and striped wool hat. New foods: cornflakes, hot dogs, and steak. New clothes: all of them were and I don't wanna list them out, but my favorites are the jester outfit and sweet dress.
- I took Joe Biden on a trip to Germany so he can make up with Kaworu. Thank God Kaworu forgived him.
- Lost one game and won another!
- I'm adding more Miis.. I made Kamille Bidan and a wrestler named Asuka.
- Karen wants to get along with Luka again! They made up. Also, I laughed at depressed Luka.
- Kenley lost something! :( She didn't find it! But Gendo found Asuka's lost candle~
- Len found Kenley's lost lipstick!!!!!! Yay!!
- Bought Asuka and Kamille (I named him "KAMI-YU!!!" haha im so funny) some clothes! Asuka really liked hers and Kamille...I didnt' see how he liked it.
New hats: curly-locks wig and horse mask. New foods: lollipop, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and quiche. New clothes: all of them again. Like the banana suit though.
Check back later!